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As ilustrações da Amanda Oleander dão a real sobre o que é amadurecer

Crescer e lidar com a vida adulta não é uma tarefa fácil, mas a artista Amanda Oleander capta muito bem a beleza dessa fase da vida.

Por Amanda Oliveira Atualizado em 17 out 2018, 16h40 - Publicado em 17 out 2018, 16h36

Crescer não é nada fácil, a gente sabe. E nem existe idade certa para isso. Tem gente que amadurece mais cedo que os outros e tem quem demore um pouco mais para se libertar da zona de conforto. A questão é que amadurecer faz com que a gente passe a ter que lidar com problemas e situações não tão legais da rotina – e é por isso que tantas pessoas falam que a infância e a adolescência são as melhores fases da vida. E parece que a gente nem aproveita direito, né?


É exatamente nesse amadurecimento e crescimento pessoal que os desenhos da Amanda Oleander são inspirados, embora a maior parte deles seja de interpretação própria. A artista mora em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos. Em entrevista à Pure Wow, ela conta que a arte sempre foi sua paixão. “Eu tenho assistido a aulas e ganhando prêmios pela minha arte desde o jardim de infância. Após a minha primeira aula, eu percebi que nasci para ser artista”, disse.

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Outro foco das artes de Amanda é baseado na ideia de que “o amor não é um conto de fadas”. Ou seja, existe muito mais de rotina, suporte, companhia e parceria do que apenas o sentimento em si. Por isso, a artista sempre aborda um pouquinho do “amor real” em seus desenhos, seja o amor romântico entre um casal, amor por um animal de estimação ou o ~bom e velho~ amor próprio.

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Drawing 54/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Comment your interpretation before you keep reading my inspiration behind this piece. ♥️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . As the years pass by I feel my roots growing intertwined with yours. Sharing our lives and love has been one of the most beautiful things I have experienced so far. @joeyrudman ————————————————— Title: Intertwined Roots ————————————————— Título: raíces entrelazadas ————————————————— Título: raízes entrelaçadas ————————————————— Titre: racines entrelacées ————————————————— Titolo: radici intrecciate ————————————————— Titel: verwobene Wurzeln ————————————————— Название: переплетенные корни ————————————————— כותרת: שורשים משולבים ————————————————— Başlık: iç içe kökler ————————————————— タイトル:絡み合ったルーツ ————————————————— العنوان: جذور متشابكة ————————————————— عنوان: ریشه های در هم آمیخته————————————————— 标题:交织在一起的根 —————————————————

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Com o passar dos anos, eu sinto minhas raízes crescendo entrelaçadas com as suas. Compartilhar nossas vidas e nosso amor tem sido uma das coisas mais bonitas que eu já experienciei até agora“, Amanda escreveu para seu namoro em uma das publicações. Nos desenhos de casais, ela sempre costuma mostrar os dois cuidando um do outro, como se um regasse as raízes do outro, ou apenas aproveitando a companhia um do outro em momentos simples da vida cotidiana, como escovando os dentes no banheiro ou assistindo um filme no sofá de casa. Olha que fofura!

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Drawing 61/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. This is inspired by cooking with @joeyrudman . Whenever I start he always says “how can I help?!” He ends up cutting the veggies and especially the onions for me since they make me cry and the onion affects him 0% ————————————————— Title: I love cooking with you ————————————————— Título: Me encanta cocinar contigo. ————————————————— Titre: J'aime cuisiner avec toi ————————————————— Titolo: Mi piace cucinare con te ————————————————— Title: Eu amo cozinhar com você ————————————————— Τίτλος: Λατρεύω το μαγείρεμα μαζί σας ————————————————— Название: Я люблю готовить с тобой ————————————————— Titel: Ich liebe es, mit dir zu kochen ————————————————— הכותרת: אני אוהבת לבשל איתך ————————————————— العنوان: أحب الطبخ معك ————————————————— عنوان: من عاشق آشپزی با شما هستم ————————————————— Başlık: Seninle yemek yapmayı seviyorum ————————————————— —————————————————

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Today is National Boyfriend Day. One of my favorite things to do with @joeyrudman is stargazing. This illustration is inspired by the time we drove up to the top of a canyon in Malibu to see a meteor shower. It was magical. ✨ What’s your favorite thing to do with your love? What’s the most random or spontaneous date you’ve been on? Was it your idea?

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Drawing 52/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. ———————————————— Title: Pizza In The Park ———————————————— Título: pizza en el parque ———————————————— Titre: pizza dans le parc ———————————————— Titolo: pizza nel parco ———————————————— כותרת: פיצה בפארק ———————————————— Título: pizza no parque ———————————————— Название: пицца в парке ———————————————— العنوان: بيتزا في الحديقة ———————————————— عنوان: پیتزا در پارک ———————————————— Başlık: Parkta pizza ————————————————

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Além disso, Amanda também ilustra momentos de amor próprio, quando a melhor coisa que você pode fazer é cuidar de si mesma e aproveitar a própria companhia. Sabe aquele sonho que você sempre quis realizar? Por que não investir nele?

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Drawing 40/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. I was reading one of my Shel Silverstein books today and it reminded me about an important thought I think we all need as a reminder including myself. Sometimes we are so concentrated on making GREAT art (or whatever it is you do) that we keep putting it off and many times don’t even create as much as we wish we did. Life doesn’t work that way. Every single day of your life isn’t going to be GREAT you will have great days, so so days and bad days. That’s how you should view your work. The key is to be consistent and to keep creating. Only by creating large amounts of work day in and day out will we ever really grow, learn and keep ourselves inspired. Start now, figure it out on the way and keep going.——————————————————— Title: Just Start ——————————————————— Apenas comece ——————————————————— Стоит только начать ——————————————————— فقط شروع کن ——————————————————— Simplemente comienza ——————————————————— Thjesht nis ——————————————————— فقط إبدأ

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Mas, como nem tudo são flores na vida, a vida adulta também traz conflitos internos e externos. E a artista faz questão de também mostrar isso. São momentos em que você precisa parar e respirar por alguns instantes, lidar com estresse, cansaço, exaustão, dúvidas e até com as más intenções de outras pessoas. Tudo isso também faz parte do amadurecimento, mesmo que seja um pouquinho difícil de conviver. Olha só:

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October 10 is World Mental Health Day. “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation about illnesses that affect not only individuals, but their families as well.” ♥️ Glenn Close

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Me today after going to sleep at 4 am. Happy National Coffee day, now excuse me while I go get one ☕️

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Drawing 56/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Before you keep reading comment your interpretation. . . . . . . . . . This is inspired by having people in your life who try to sway your vision. I’ve touched on this topic before but I have been feeling it a lot lately. These people can be total strangers that reach out to you on social media or your parents or people close to you. They usually mean the best. My whole life I’ve had to keep my vision clear and create/act upon the inner “voice” that guides me. Some of you call it intuition, some might call it god or the universe. When I decided to move across the country with no family I was tested. “You can always stay here in this little town in North Carolina.” I never felt quite right there. I was offered an amazing opportunity in Hollywood. I had to take it. I didn’t listen to the people I loved the most and packed my bags and moved across the country. When I decided to move into a new apt in Los Angeles I was warned… “That’s so expensive, I don’t think moving into that apt is a good idea” I did it anyways. I moved. If I wouldn’t have taken the risk and moved to that nice apt I would’ve never met my love who I met in the building. If I listened to every person that reaches out to me daily asking me to draw their life and the way they look. Then who is going to draw my life? My vision? My story? Nobody. As an artist I believe it’s very important to dig deep and create from the heart. If you want to draw all of your women curvy like you do it! Don’t worry about what others think, you will find your community. Who would’ve thought a drawing of toe nails scratching your love’s feet would go viral? I didn’t plan that. I didn’t even think too many people would relate. I was just drawing from experience. Whatever it is you are going through whether you are an artist or not you will have people trying to sway your decision. Usually out of either love, fear, or insecurities.. most from a genuinely good place. “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein

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October 10 is World Mental Health Day. “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, more unashamed conversation about illnesses that affect not only individuals, but their families as well.” ♥️ Glenn Close

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Gostou dos desenhos incríveis que a Amanda faz? Segue ela no @amandaoleander!


